Your Dragonarium
Missing 882
- Maracas
- Smoothie
- Hasu
- Lilypond
- Volcano
- Earthcore
- Aquadruple Leap Year
- Pyros & Glacius
- Flamegobbler
- Iceclaw
- Lavaloch
- Tectonic
- Eaves
- Gingerbread
- Dracomancy 4
- Dracomancy 1
- Dracomancy 2
- Dracomancy 3
- Bruntal
- Yaga
- Candycorn
- Drack-o-Lantern
- Awoo
- Spooker
- Dragpir
- Jiaolong
- Polarus
- Alchemy
- Spelldome
- Doily
- Nottub
- Quamera
- Feiya
- Treebark
- Hex
- Moppey
- Ogre
- Aquatech
- Leviathan
- Grin
- Sipho
- Quadruple Leap Year
- Kelpie
- Shelly
- Redfrill
- Armor
- Nimue
- Kingstone
- Darkarm
- Arcane
- Plate
- Jester
- Honeybrew
- Basket
- Barkskin
- Melovine
- Mosser
- Glider
- Chipichipi
- Pangolian
- Blossom
- Rubrum
- LoveyDovey
- Lovey
- Helianthus
- Fluffydoodle
- Spite
- Floristry
- Snopaw
- Dancey
- Cubicle
- Snowdrop
- Toboggan
- Grandeur
- Icecarade
- Shaper
- Pollenizer
- Liveloch
- Waterwalker
- Pikeleaf
- Exterrean
- Fortified
- Tickles
- Machina
- Greymatter
- Infinitum
- Shackle
- Eww
- Magma
- Nacre
- Lambovian
- Librian
- Shadowflash
- Virgonian
- Sagittarian
- Capricornian
- Scorpionian
- Leonian
- Aurum
- Efreet
- Tutan
- Mantasu
- Saharus
- Alayzem
- Nubis
- Oasian
- Margento
- Construct
- Professo
- Scribe
- Jackpot
- Mushry
- Invento
- Ignaqtus
- Cherrie
- Solary
- Crackle
- Bumi
- Somnig
- Chikipea
- Dapplethorn
- Ichigo
- Ancestor
- Glassia
- Lovonone
- Mesmerus
- Nomnoter
- Lovesick
- Brutiful
- Classical
- PrickleFluff
- Divi
- Greenge
- Nature
- Kotun
- Elkar
- Aisa
- Igluit
- Sugarmitten
- Everfrost
- Diggy
- Standstone
- Keyper
- Fomhar
- Bushwhack
- Maze
- Hydnellum
- Kage
- Amalgamate
- Rotblossom
- Brood
- Grimoire
- Dortal
- Vampir
- Vaul
- Taurian
- Aquarian
- Geminian
- Pisceian
- Cansian
- Ariesian
- Gravity
- Kann
- Crawler
- Curse
- Corsair
- Euryale
- Sea Shanty
- Valeodon
- Spinky
- Prestina
- Puffles
- Morphimagus
- Jumpiplop
- PonkiPong
- Stage
- Scryer
- Smigi
- Niamh
- Fae
- Quaa
- Arcrider
- Triple Rainbow
- Redbeard
- Luck
- Hyperion
- Bellflower
- Mesmer
- Astraline
- Cupido
- Orlena
- Lumineux
- Lightmare
- Lullaby
- Buttercup
- Zumi
- Zero
- Glitz
- Weaver
- Chorister
- Snowflake 7
- Chaiko
- Jamjam
- Squish
- Huddle
- Country
- Sow
- Razortail
- Khamsin
- Umbra
- Techno
- Punk
- Heavy Metal
- Etch
- Funis
- Infernus
- Tien
- Wilderness
- Chomp
- Chuck
- Chimmit
- Zipzap
- Aperture
- Burrow
- Enfis
- Yarr
- Alure
- Trove
- Lazuli
- Gawk
- Zilla
- Ikatako
- Ahoy
- Prestige
- Lageto
- Fuefuego
- Binky
- Brizoni
- Lunk
- Undau
- Fluffles
- Davinese
- Glasswing
- Fushi
- Florea
- Dargon
- Kroki
- Narcis
- Snooz
- Wolper
- Peoni
- Magnolia
- Canvas
- Masque
- Entwined
- Grace
- Giddle
- Scuttle
- Murano
- Canna
- Angler
- Yeti
- Yanghis
- Snowball
- Ketu
- Lyuba
- Longcicle
- Neyvee
- Nox
- Iden
- Ocular
- Wendigo
- Kwall
- Gatren
- Malefice
- Maw
- Soriak
- Whimsical
- Scout
- Ignis
- Frons
- Apex
- Coldcoil
- Atramento
- Woven
- Pouke
- Gryphus
- Combustion
- Mylio
- Alffa
- Tebori
- Flowerhop
- Exandrew
- Delicia
- Oaris
- Hanno
- Grove
- Moriante
- Darkmatter
- Tranquil
- Lightmatter
- Stella
- Lunis
- Solis
- Swiftgrace
- Vipera
- Pixie
- Hedera
- Glyph
- Minchi
- Clairvoyant
- Woodvine
- Void
- Flickerflame
- Spectrapod
- Triple Leap Year
- Poshwing
- Whirlwind
- Daylily
- Aquacorn
- Wick
- Shockproof
- Bouldershock
- Thrasher
- Frond
- Spellmason
- Yule
- Harmony
- Reminiscence
- Venture
- Macabre
- Barbarous
- Scourge
- Fulgurite
- Charlatan
- Eldritch
- Dazzle
- Razzle
- Ruckus
- Terracotta
- Elegant
- Vibe
- Toco
- Monte
- Sailback
- Bastion
- Fury
- Snootroot
- Psyche
- Vanguard
- Sparkles
- Dash
- Armament
- Riptide
- Quantum
- Darcowl
- Outrider
- Xanthium
- Drifter
- Ignite
- Pearlescent
- Rigel
- Trilobite
- Morpho
- Serket
- Violetta
- Rhinotorch
- Gildamane
- Faux
- Dittoglide
- Busby
- Amaryllis
- Silverline
- Cyclamen
- Derecho
- Smoulderbrush
- Begonia
- Brilliant
- Fever
- Petunia
- Daffadowndilly
- Shiver
- Knarr
- Tusk
- Festive
- Quintessence
- Ghostly Kringle
- Ghostly Krampus
- Ghostly Trinket
- Ghostly Gift
- Ghostly Coal
- Ghostly Lichen
- Ghostly Evergreen
- Ghostly Moss
- Ghostly Tree
- Ghostly Flower
- Ghostly Poison
- Ghostly Plant
- Jadice
- Trepak
- Lokilure
- Saccharine
- Gulletail
- Burglehoo
- Avarice
- Sugarplum
- Nibwhip
- Libretto
- Aubergine
- Bloatato
- Karroot
- Curlyleaf
- Vidalia
- Ghostly Oni
- Ghostly Nosferatu
- Ghostly Decay
- Ghostly Spirit
- Ghostly Spectre
- Ghostly Ghost
- Ghostly Bone
- Auroch
- Ghostly Mountain
- Ghostly Glacier
- Ghostly Cold
- Ghostly Obsidian
- Ghostly Lava
- Ghostly Earth
- Chitin
- Ghostly Fire
- Wrath
- Porcelain
- Chimneypuff
- Corrupticorn
- Manomano
- Limulimu
- Humuhumu
- Honuhonu
- Embossed
- Hakahaka
- Bonescale
- Osteryx
- Totem
- Oracle
- Kaiju
- Sprite
- Eve
- Chromacorn
- Sunscorch
- Abraxas
- Tidepool
- Sandscale
- Dartwing
- Snowflake 6
- Fireflight
- Regal
- Djinni
- Scarab
- Opulent
- Glimmerwing
- Starlight
- Misfortune
- Yolkwing
- Hooded
- Rosebud
- Cumberpatch
- Bilby
- Cocoahollow
- Satin
- Tumblethorn
- Spritely
- Sweetheart
- Smitten
- Scorn
- Party
- Jingle
- Starshine
- Sleighbell
- Woolen
- Kringle
- Candlecrown
- Krampus
- Plumpkin
- Nimbus
- Bogberry
- Teozinte
- Bounteous
- Seraph
- Nesting
- Frostfluff
- Gargoyle
- Dracabra
- Oni
- Spirit
- Icebound
- Dandelion
- Lacuna
- Thunderbird
- Ironwrought
- Solarflare
- Ghast
- Antumbra
- Kampos
- Plumewing
- Viridian
- Zaffer
- Arid
- Metal Rift
- Air Rift
- Water Rift
- Lightning Rift
- Snapper
- Cold Rift
- Earth Rift
- Infrared
- Alpenglow
- Spore
- Snowsquall
- Voltaic
- Blightwing
- Fire Rift
- Plant Rift
- Steam
- Surge
- Fissure
- Jetstream
- Shining
- Cyclone
- Singularity
- Nova
- Frostflower
- Plateau
- Sumi
- Pond
- Tulip
- Cumulus
- Stoneshell
- Tansy
- Starwing
- Glowwing
- Char
- Subterranean
- Coldforge
- Permafrost
- Conifer
- Honeyglow
- Stoneheart
- Rosegold
- Cuddlewing
- Ambrosia
- Iridescent
- Fluorescent
- Candescent
- Epoch
- Snowpocalypse
- Trinket
- Twinkle
- Tinsel
- Ribbon
- Snowbrush
- Flurry
- Thundersnow
- Verdigris
- Thistle
- Harvest Moon
- Smolder
- Soot
- Nightbloom
- Bog
- Decay
- Thicket
- Garden
- Portent
- Molten
- Wyrmwood
- Trench
- Lagoon
- Conch
- Bubble
- Quicksand
- Ivy
- Dawnbringer
- Cerberus
- Trimera
- Fates
- Thunderbolt
- Mountain Sun
- Valor
- Iron Blossom
- Squall
- Icy Torrent
- Stygian
- Hidden Bolt
- Herald
- Blazing Gale
- Labradorite
- Nether
- Plains
- Azurite
- Shield
- Rayleian
- Celerulean
- Teidian
- Nebula
- Vortex
- Wavelyte
- Tempest
- Monolith 6
- Quartz
- Swallowtail
- Marbletail
- Lacewing
- Duskwing
- Chrysalis
- Inferno
- Double Leap Year
- Okenite
- Surprise
- Serenity
- Melancholy
- Delight
- Ire
- Barite
- Neoteric
- Regift
- Flicker
- Verglace
- Holly
- Pyrite
- Dazzling
- Lace
- Ornamental
- Bramble
- Feast
- Harvest
- Mesolite
- Eridanian
- Comet
- Pharaoh
- Lycan
- Spectre
- Ortreat
- Trick
- Sanguinite
- Omen
- Muse
- Bismuth
- Faire
- Garland
- Darkling
- Monolith 5
- Tourmaline
- Loot
- Tidal
- Snowflake 5
- Midday
- Jasper
- Procyon
- Andromedan
- Delirium
- Halo
- Elysium
- Bizurian
- Arcturian
- Polarian
- Sorarian
- Antarian
- Midnight
- Monolith 4
- Monolith 3
- Monolith 2
- Monolith 1
- Seed
- Thorn
- Frostbite
- Aurora
- Coal
- Snowflake 4
- Snowflake 3
- Snowflake 2
- Snowflake 1
- Lodestone
- Gourd
- Berry
- Bicentennial
- Nightmare
- Nosferatu
- Ragnarok
- Mirror
- Leathery
- Sunstruck
- Daydream
- Geode
- Leaf
- Prism
- Dusk
- Dawn
- Hydra
- Kite
- Dream
- Wisp
- Nectar
- Sulfur
- Orchid
- Arctic
- Sprout
- Arbor
- Ovalith
- Lapis
- Carnival
- Victory
- Moonstruck
- Snowy Gold
- Snowy Silver
- Snowy Bronze
- Mirage
- Shadow
- Acid
- Promethium
- Radiant
- Palladium
- Howl
- Miasma
- Ooze
- Abyss
- Winter
- Mistletoe
- Hypnotic
- Wind
- Shimmer
- Lotus
- Wraith
- Spark
- Crypt
- Ruin
- Gamma
- Flash
- Glare
- Phantom
- Dark Rift
- Cave
- Root
- Dungeon
- Watch
- Nightshade
- Fungus
- Dark
- Jet
- Light Rift
- Glass
- Sand
- Heat
- Ember
- Luminous
- Meadow
- Light
- Zombie
- Autumn
- Cotton
- Bronze
- Amber
- Forest
- Pepper
- Ouroboros
- Electrum
- Liberty
- Summer
- Bearded
- Double Rainbow
- Jade
- Bouquet
- Coral
- Salamander
- Terradiem
- Meteor
- Diamond
- Motley
- Spring
- Celtic
- Aquamarine
- River
- Thunder
- Rose
- Blizzard
- Century
- Amethyst
- Cyclops
- Hail
- Garnet
- Gift
- Apocalypse
- Platinum
- Glacier
- Turquoise
- Lunar Eclipse
- Smoke
- Solar Eclipse
- Topaz
- Obsidian
- Ghost
- Ash
- Opal
- Equinox
- Paper
- Blue Moon
- Sapphire
- Silver
- Ironwood
- Rain
- Seasonal
- Peridot
- Gold Olympus
- Silver Olympus
- Bronze Olympus
- Scoria
- Gold
- Malachite
- Pollen
- Ruby
- Firework
- Evergreen
- Solstice
- Quicksilver
- Pearl
- Forge
- Copper
- Current
- Emerald
- Butterfly
- Plasma
- Dodo
- Sakura
- Steel
- Bloom
- Chrome
- Rust
- Magnetic
- Mine
- Iron
- Brass
- Metal
- Cactus
- Lichen
- Clover
- Leap Year
- Love
- Panlong
- Frostfire
- Iceberg
- Reindeer
- Moon
- Sun
- Sandstorm
- Bone
- Fog
- Scorch
- Blue Fire
- Rainbow
- Sonic
- Snow
- Blazing
- Willow
- Air
- Ice
- Mud
- Seaweed
- Swamp
- Water
- Storm
- Crystal
- Quake
- Firefly
- Lightning
- Mountain
- Cold
- Lava
- Moss
- Tree
- Earth
- Flower
- Poison
- Fire
- Plant
Acquired 0
The Dragonarium makes managing your DragonVale collection easier and more organized. This tool helps you keep track of the dragons you have already acquired and identifies which dragons you can currently breed.
Simply add your collected dragons to the "Acquired" section. The "Missing" section will then automatically update, sorting and highlighting in green the dragons you can breed with your existing collection. This ensures you always know which dragons are within reach.
The data is saved in the browser's local storage. Therefore, the data will be "stored" even if you close/refresh the tab or restart the computer. The only way to lose the data, as far as I'm aware, is if you clear your cookies or switch to another browser. This way of storage also means it is unfortunately impossible to share data between browsers or devices (desktop/mobile).
Click on the "Help" button for detailed instructions on how to use the DragonVale Dragonarium effectively.